Hallett Transition to Kindergarten - Application Hallett Elementary is excited to announce that the application process for our Transition to Kindergarten (TK) program is now open!
2025-26 Kindergarten Enrollment Do you have a child who will be 5 years old before August 31, 2025? If so, Registration is now open to enroll your child for Kindergarten for the 2025-26 School Year.
2025-2026 Choice Form Please follow the link to fill out your choice paperwork online.Choice Form 2024-2025
PTSO Cookie Grams You can treat your special someone to a Cookie Gram delivery to their classroom onThursday, February 13th.
Picture Retake Day - This Thursday, October 26, 2023 If your student is new and needs to have their picture taken or if you are disappointed with your current photos, please have your student camera ready on Thursday, October 26. You can place your order by clicking on the HEADLINE of this post or have your student bring the original packet back with them to turn in for an even exchange. If you need a new packet, a limited amount of paper order forms are available at the office and must be submitted to the photographer on picture day